SFT Aftercoolers deliver superior performance in leak-free design.

R.P. Adams Model SFT Fixed Bundle Aftercoolers offer maximum heat transfer surface for a given shell and tube size. Units have air or gas in the tubes and the coolant in the shell. Tube side is easily accessible for inspection and for mechanical or chemical cleaning. The shell side may be cleaned by back flushing or chemical means.
Benefits at a Glance
- Water-cooled for consistent process control
- Fixed Bundle configuration.
- Compact design keeps the installed space to a minimum.
- 3/8” bare straight tubes allow for easy tube-side cleaning.
- No chance of external fluid leakage.
- Designed and certified to ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1.
- The smooth surface of a 3/8” diameter bare tube extends the service life and minimizes maintenance.
- Standard units are equipped with corrosion inhibited admiralty tubes for enhanced corrosion protection. Other available materials available, please consult our factory for more information.
- The SFT Fixed Bundle design minimizes cross contamination of the two fluids because it does not require packing rings to seal the rear tubesheet to the shell.
- Non-metallic baffles provide generous tube support.
- R.P. Adams can also supply moisture Separator to effectively remove up to 99 percent of the condensed liquid present in the air stream.
- Standard units have a design pressure of 150 PSIG. Custom units are available with design pressures up to 900 PSIG on the tube side and 300 PSIG on the shell. The design temperature of this aftercooler is 350°F.
- Compressor air aftercoolers
- Nitrogen or oxygen or CO2 coolers
- Trim coolers
- Compressed air or gas inter-coolers
- Coolers for regenerative dryers
- For flammable or toxic gasses and liquids