Removable tube bundle, stands up well to stress

The AKU Kettle Type Series Heat Exchanger includes a removable U-tube bundle, stands up well to stress, and the shell side can be flooded with ammonia as cooling media.
R.P. Adams can supply units having wide range of shell diameters, gas flow capabilities and liquid flow rates. Contact our factory for your next kettle type heat exchange application. Adams Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers are available in a wide range of materials of construction including carbon steel, stainless steels, admiralty brass, and cupro-nickels to name a few. Adams tubular heat exchangers meet TEMA and ASME Section VIII, Division I code requirements.
Benefits at a Glance
- Removable tube bundle for easy inspection or replacement, cleaning
- U-Tube fully relieves stress effects from thermal expansion and contraction
- No packing required to isolate the two fluids
- Shell side Can be flooded with Ammonia as cooling media
- TEMA type AKU, BKU
- Design pressures up to 3,000 PSIG
- Design Temperature: available at a wide range of low or high temperatures; consult factory
- Built to individual specifications
- Available in a wide range of materials